For a long time, the most invited Cuban Salsa teacher in the world (272 cities, 90 countries)
Elected member of the sub-committee of the IDO (International Dance Organization) for latin-caribbean danse (Salsa, Mambo, Rueda, etc.) from 2005 to 2012
WADF (World Artistic Dance Federation) Latin America director since 2019
Leader of the world federation of CASINO formation and cuban
Podium (3d.) at the World Championship of Rueda 2003 (Turin, IT.) and 2015 (Roskilde, DK.)
Swiss Champion of Rueda 2001, 2004, 2014, 2015, 2023 and 2024, Swiss Champion of Salsa (coach/choreogrpaher) 2013, 2015 and 2023, Swiss vice-champion 2003 of Rueda, Swiss vice-champion of Salsa (coach-choreographer) 2014, 2015 and 2024
Coach of the Rueda WORLD VICE-CHAMPIONS 2016, the Cuban Salsa vice-champions 2017 of the Guadalajara (Mexico) championship, the Rueda champions of Mexico 2017, and the whole podium 2015 of Cuban Salsa
Male dancer ranked 4th at the Salsa Swiss Championship 2003 and qualified for the European Championship.
4th of the World Championship of Rueda 2005 (Bassano, IT.), 5th in 2007 (Bassano, IT.), 5th of the "Rueda Mundial" at the Cubamemucho 2008 (Munich, GER.)
Co-founder in 1999 of "Los Charangueros", thereafter twice Rueda world champion at the Cubamemucho (2008-2009)
School from which 53 Swiss champions and 16 world medalists come
Guest of Honour of the CUBAMEMUCHO : Award 2008 "Ambassador of Cuban Culture" (Munich, GER.)
Chairman of judges and scrutineer of the Rueda World Championship 2018 (Spain), 2020 (Slovakia) and 2022 (Norway)
Judge of 21 World Championships and Cups (Salsa 2003, 2006, 2016, 2017 and 2023, Caribbean Dance 2004, 2006, 2015, 2016 and 2017, Bachata 2005 and 2006, Street Mambo 2006, Latin Show 2006, Rueda 2003, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022, Traditional Ethno Folk 2017), 18 European Championships (Argentine Tango 2004, Swing 2004, Disco Fox 2006, Bachata 2005, 2016 and 2017, Salsa 2004, 2006, 2016 and 2017, Chachacha 2016 and 2017, Merengue 2016 and 2017, Dance Show 2016 and 2017, Caribbean Show 2016 and 2017), a South-European Championship (Caribbean Dance 2019), an Euroasian Champioship (Ethno Dance, Dance Show 2020), 10 Swiss Championships (Salsa, Bachata, Rueda 2005, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025), a Swiss Dance Cup (Caribbean Dance 2016), an Open of Italy (Salsa 2003), a Slovenian Cup (Rueda 2009), an Ukrainian Cup (Salsa and Bachata 2014), the Guaguanco festival, Spain (Son 2014), a Championship of Andalousie, Spain (Rueda 2015), a Championship of Canary, Spain (Rueda 2016), a Championship of Armenia (Salsa and Bachata 2016), a Championship of Venezuela (Casino 2016), the Mall of Dance of Greece (2017), The Open of Azerbaijan (2017), the WLDC qualifier in Lebanon (2017), the Grand Prix of Bosnia-Herzegovina (2017), the Open of Kazakhstan (2019), the Open of Santa Fe, Argentina (2019), the National Championship of Costa Rica (2020), the WLDC qualifier in Salta, Argentina (2022), a Championship of Uruguay (2024)
Godfather of the schools Son Arte y Sabor (Panama, Central America), Casino D' Primera (Venezuela, South America), Anaya Latin Dance (USA, North America), Sauce Cubaine (France, Western Europe), KaDance (Macedonia, Eastern Europe), T-Havana (Ghana, Africa), Salsabor (Bahrein, Asia) and Expresion de Salsa (New Caledonia, Oceania)
Godfather of the "Guinness Book" Record of the largest Reuda de Casino in the world (27-11-22, Caracas, Venezuela)
Prime mover of the official WADF Rueda World Championship (since 2015)
He danced on stage with NG La Banda (1997), Ibrahim Ferrer (2002), Los Van Van (2004 and 2016), Pupy Y Los Que Son Son (2008), Havana D' Primera (2014), Elito Revé Y Su Charangon (2015), FredyClan (2015)
Writer, "The world around salsa" trilogy author, publisher Mare & Martin, Paris / Author invited to the Biography Festival in France
Lyricist of the songs :
1) "Casinero Si O Si" of Pedrito Calvo Jr. and dancer in the videoclip (2017), 3d of the "TOP 10" by L'Opinionista 2018 behind Los Van Van and HDP, followed by La Charanga, Pupy or Mykael Blanco - Official music of the Guinness Book Rueda world record 2018, Canary Islands
2) "Timba Pa' Los Maestros" of Juancyto M. feat. Mercadonegro & Calixto Oviedo (2018)
3) "Empieza Mi Son" sung by Roberton Hernandez, of LOS VAN VAN (Grammy award), and dancer in the videoclip (2019), 5th of the "Top 10" by L'Opinionista, 9th of the "Top 10" by Salsa Berlin, 11th of the "Top 20" by PromoMusic BCN; 11th of the "Top 50" by, 29th of the annual "Top 100" by to the best DJs of the world
4) "Ahora le toca a ella" of Mixael Cabrera (2020), in the annual "Top 30" by Cuarentimba, 10th of the annual "Top 20" by Promomusic BCN, 5th of the june's "Top 10" by DJ Team Cuba, with Los Van Van, Hvana D'Primera, Pupy, El Niño, Adalberto Alvarez, Maykel Blanco etc., 59th of the annual "Top 100" by the best DJs around the world
5) "Tu primer novio" of Mayimbe (2021), 1st of the "TOP 10" by L'Opinionista, followed by Mykael Blanco, Pupy and Elito Revé, 25th of the 2021 "Top 100" of Saoko Music, 42nd of the 2021 "Top 100" according to the best DJs of the world
6) "Réquiem para un Sonero" of Mandi Miranda (Mercadonegro's singer), in the Jack El Calvo's "Top 30" of the year
7) "Un collar" of Emilio Frias El Niño (2021), 1st of the "Top 10" by L'opinionista, followed by Maykel Blanco or Manolito Simonet, 2nd of the Salsa Charts in Germany followed by Marc Anthony or Leoni Torres, 30th of the "Latino Top 10" in Italy, with Shakira, Cristina Aguilera, E. Iglesias, Rosalia, Daddy Yankee, Pitbull, Gotan Project, 56th of the "Top 100" by New Salsa Gen, 14th of the "Top 100" by Musicstax, 3d of the "Top 100" by Lations Unidos, followed by Afredo De La Fé, Willy Chirino, La Sonora Matancera, Gilberto Santa Rosa, etc., 7th of the annual "Top 30" by Cuarentimba, 6th of the annual "Top 100" by the best DJs around the world, 94th of the Spotify "Top 100" of the best Cuban Salsa songs of all time (evergreen)
8) "Siempre Pupy" of Lily Daly, singer of LOS VAN VAN (2022), on the annual "Top 50" by Salson Radio, 15th of the annual "Top 40" by DJ Raton Rabioso
9) "Si miras bien" of Mandy Cantero, of LOS VAN VAN (2022), 6th of the annual "Top 22" by DJ Ahi Na Ma
10) "Soy quien soy" of Susel "La China", of the Orquesta REVE, then PUPY (2022), 2nd of the "Top 20" by DJ Dr Timba
4 consecutive years in the annual "Best DJ's Top 100" of Cuban Music, as a lyricist
In the running for the 2023 Latin Grammy, with the album "Reverencia"
Honored by the song of Toto Noriega (2 times nominated for the Grammys, 2 times Cubadisco award) "El Maestro Va A Bailar" (2019). Dancer in the videoclip
Belongings (clothes, shoes, posters etc) exhibited in the "Music Museum" in Baradero (Argentina). Hand and foot imprints performed in public.
Included in the Salsa Encyclopedic Dictionary
Artist-Reference for university theses on dance in Alaska (USA) and Brasiia (Brazil)
Official caricaturist of Los Van Van. Protagonist with his art of the clip VanVaneo
Official caricaturist of Orquesta Aragon
Caricaturist of the Emilio Frías El Niño's project "Voces de Hoy"
Caricaturist of the album cover "Cantarle un son", by Alexander Abreu, Manolito Siminet, Andy Rubal
Collaborator of the magazines Radio TV8, Match Mag, Top Football, Top Hockey and Vélo Romand (Switzerland), Vélo Magazine (France), Dedeté (Cuba), Tunel (Uruguay)
More than 220 international podiums
Works exhibited at the River Plate Museum (Argentina), at the Humor Museum (Cuba) and at the Football Museum (Uruguay)
Jury Award of the XIII International Humor Biennial (Cuba) 2023
Jury Award of the Humor Festival (Bacau, Romania) 2024
Model of a celebrities Caricatures contest, based in India
Greatest champion of "Likes" of all time in a Caricatures group
Artist mentioned in the song "Unidanza" by Seo Fernandez (2015)
Official "Guest of Honor" ot Baradero, province of Buenos Aires, Council statement number 01/2022
"Culture Merit Award" 2024 of Uruguay (declared of government interest)
Plate signed in the "Pellicer Hall of Fame" (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Invited to Salsa Kongress 2003, 2004 and 2005 in Zurich
Salsational 2004 and 2005 in Bern
Festival Congress 2003 in Marseille
Y Salsa Festival 2004 and 2008 in Lyon
Congresso World Salsa in Torino 2006
Salsa Kongress 2006 in Vienna
Salsa Congress 2006 in Bangalore
Festival Cubadanza 2007
Salsa Congress 2007 in Belgrade
Festival Cubamemucho 2008 in Munich
Salsa Congress in 2008, 2009 and 2010 in Lasko
Salsa Power Festival 2008 in Ljubljana
Salsa at Vikend 2008 in Banska Bystrica
Vintage Salsa Festival in 2009 and 2010 in Geneva
Festival 2009 and 2010 in Portoroz
Salsa Festival 2009 and 2010 in Zagreb
Campo Loco 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 in Balatonboglár
Cuban Salsa Congress 2009 in Belgrade
Salsa Fest 2009 in Brno
Salsa Weekend Festival 2009 in Barcelona
Salsa Congress 2010 and 2011 in Liège
Afro Cuban Congress 2010 in Dublin
Summer camp in Evia 2010
Salsa Festival 2010 in Tabarka
Spring Dance 2010 in Moscow
Solar Salsa Festival 2010 in Manchester
Bailatino 2010 Festival in Rosario
Cubaires 2010 in Stuttgart
Unidanza in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 in Hamburg
100% Cubano Festival 2010, 2015 and 2019 in Montevideo
Salsa Mambo Time 2010 in Saint-Gilles
Salsa On The Beach Festival 2011 in Odessa
Salsa Festival 2011 and 2015 in Marrakech
Salsa Fiesta in 2011 and 2012 in Bangkok
Festival Cuban'Alpes 2012 in Grenoble
Cuban Salsa Congress 2012 in Sydney
Festival Dias Cubanos 2012 in Noordvijkerhout
Nordic Salsa Camp 2012 in Brandbjerg
Salsavage 2012 in Focsani
International Festival 2013 and 2017 in Byblos
Festival Hola Chiquita 2013 in Lloret del Mar
Clave Latina 2013 in London
Salsa Festival 2013 in Accra
Kitimba festival 2013 in Stockholm
Guaguancó Festival in 2013, 2014 and 2015 in Barcelona
Estonian Salsa Summercamp 2013 in Lahmuse
New Caledanza 2013 and 2016 in Noumea
Manana in Manama in Manama 2014
NZ Cuban Festival 2014 in Whanganui
Rueda Congress 2014 in Stavanger
Cuban All Star 2014 in Sousse
Latino Fest 2014 of Nahr El Kalb
Dance Time 2014 of Oulan-Bator
CubaSí 2014 of Kiev
Salsa Mythic 2015 and 2016 of Marrakech
Adria Salsa Festival 2015 of Rijeka
Casino Congress 2015 of Lima
Rueda Congress 2015 of Roskilde
Monster Latin Dance 215 of Cadiz
Cuban All Star 2015 of Varna
Salsa Weekend 2015 of Skopje
Vikend Seminar 2015 and 2016 of Ulcinj
Ritmos Cubanos Sin Fronteras 2015 and 2019 of Mexico
Crazy Cuban Weekend 2015 of Tirana
Mediterranean Latin Dance Festival 2016 in Antalya
The European Championship WADF 2016, 2017 and 2019 of Moscow
DanzAtlántica 2016 of Las Palmas
Estrellas del Casino 2016 of Caracas
Fiesta Cup Open Dancesport 2016 of Yerevan
Cuban Salsa Workshop 2016 of Johannesburg
Latinoamericando 2016 of Milan
CubaMiSalsa 2016 of Limassol
Rueda Congress 2016 of Trondheim
Dance Cup 2016 of Bulach
Tour Son y Casino 2016 of Zaragoza
Tour Son y Casino 2016 of Pamplona
Special Cuban 2016 of Lindau
Cuban Weekend 2016 of Minsk
Primavera Salsa Fest 2017 of Geneva
Salsa Weekend 2017 of Chisninau
Salsa Week 2017 of Valletta
Casino Cubano 2017 and 2019 of Bologna
Summer Festival 2017 of Funchal
WADF Championship 2017 of Liberec
Friendship Dance Festival 2017 of Sarajevo
Mall of Dance 2017 of Athens
Open Dance 2017 of Bakou
Puro casino y sazón 2017 of Barcelona
Son Arte y Sabor 2018 of Panama
Salsa weekend 2018 of Tbilisi
Baila Festival 2018 of Zurich
Encuentro WADF 2018 of San José
Salsa Weekend 2018 of Vilnius
Weekend Cubano of Alaska
Midnight Sun Salsa 2018 of Reykjavik
Baila Mulato 2018 of Pereira
Museo del Humor 2018 of San Antonio de los Baños
WADF Championship 2019 and 2020 of Karaganda
Homenaje a Isnardi 2019 of Santiago
La Cubana 2019 of Chui
Festival 2019 of Managua
Trophée du Rocher 2020 of Monaco
Rueda Congress 2020 of Bratislava
Activa tu Pasión of Oruro
Caribbean Feeling 2021 and 2022 of Oslo
Latin Dance 2022 of San Pedro Sula
Euroson Latino 2022 of Salta
Rueada Fest 2022 of Montevideo
Casino Festival 2022 of Gran Canaria
Al Salsa 2023 of Lyon
International Festival 2023 of Malacca
Instructor / Artist in Montevideo, Punta del Este, Rocha, Chuy, Durazno, Melo Buenos Aires, La Plata, Rosario, Santa Fe, Salta, Baradero
Santiago, San Bernardo
San Pedro Sula
San Salvador
San Jose
San Antonio de los Baños
Noumea, Dumbea, Paita, Mont-Dore
Tabarka, Sousse
Accra, Tema
Johannesburg, Pretoria, Alberton
La Réunion
Manakara, Sahambavy
Manila, Makati
Beirut, Jounieh, Byblos, Nahr El Kalb, Tyr, Naqoura, Tripoli
Istanbul, Antalya
London, Manchester
Oslo, Stavanger, Trondheim
Reykjavik, Kopavogur
Aarhus, Brandbjerg, Roskilde
Kiev, Odessa
Zagreb, Rijeka, Slunj, Ogulin
Ljubljana, Maribor, Lasko, Portoroz, Rogaska Slatina, Piran
Bar, Budva, Ulcinj, Kotor
Sarajevo, Vogosca
Pristina, Prizren
Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna
Focsani, Calarasi, Deva, Bacau
Chisninau, Orhei
Brno, Liberec
Bratislava, Banska Bystrica
Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Bremen, Regensburg, Aachen, Lindau
Budapest, Siófok, Szántód, Balatonboglár
Vienna, Seefeld
Turin, Milan, Assago, Bassano del Grappa, Castellanza, Vicenza, Valdagno, Terrano, Trieste, Bologna, Ferrara, Ariccia, Baia Domizia, Lecce
Valletta, Is-Swieqi, San Giljan, Pembroke
Athens, Irakleio, Evia
Noordvijkerhout, Maastricht
Liège, Leuven, Herent
Madrid, Barcelona, Castelldefels, Mataro, Lloret de Mar, Cabadell, Zaragoza, Pamplona, Cadiz, San Roque, Malaga, Estepona, Torremolinos, Marbella
Las Palmas, Tenerife
Paris, Argenteuil, Vitry, Marne-la-Vallée, Meaux, Bourges, Marseille, Montpellier, Pau, Saint-Rémy de Provence, Saint-Paul les Trois-Chateaux, Avignon, Villeneuve, Valence, Rennes, Nantes, Les Sables-d'Olonne, Le Mans, Argenton-sur-Creuse, Nevers, Lyon, Villeurbanne, Meyzieu, Jonage, Saint-Etienne, Saint-Chamond, Montrond-les-Bains, Vienne, Serrières, La-Tour-du-Pin, Grenoble, Annecy, Chamonix, Samoens, Aix-les-Bains, Cruseilles, Morzine, Annemasse, Arthaz, Veytraz-Monthoux, Viuz-en-Sallaz, Thonon-les-Bains, Evian-les-Bains, Publier, Beaune, Dijon, Pontarlier, Lille, Valenciennes, Vileneuve d'Ascq, Neuville-en-Ferrain, Caen, Rouen, Tours, Troyes, Poitiers, Ligoure, Biganos, Epinal, Strasbourg
Ajaccio, Porto Vecchio
Geneva, Zurich, Basel, Bern, Brugg, Bülach, Baden, Volketswil, Langenthal, Solothurn, Zermatt, St, Morritz, Lugano, Fribourg, Bulle, Lausanne, Bussigny, Prilly, Etoy, Morges, Denges, Saxon, Chatel-Saint-Denis